Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Beast

So I definitely haven't really updated anyone on the mountain biking scene so far. Basically, I have only done a few warm up races. (same idea as Spring Series, only with JUST highschool kids) and it has been a LOT of fun. I just love being outside in the forest, getting to hammer and not having to stress or worry about being a rooky or making a mistake that could pretty much end a life.
I pre-rode the Rat Race a week ago and had a stupidly painful crash on "the beast" aka my Anthem(a beast... BAHAHAHAHAHA). I was so scared I scrached her! I was launching off this little jump, but instead slid and flipped...hit a tree up-side down and slid down the whole thing. QUITE the adventure....until I saw my bum and woke up the next morning and couldn't move the neck. OH WELL though, what can I expect when I act like a hack and do stupid things like try and jump my 7000$ cross country bike on free-ride trails. So Im off to the mainland tomorrow to do another race.... Pretty much summing my life to the day.

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