Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Kellog Hollow Road Race

After an 8 hour drive and what was thought to be an innocent burrito, Leah was doomed to tummy ache land, and I (Alena) was the only Giant rider to race in Friday's road race. Although I like to deem myslef as independent, I felt a tad lonely and kind of missed the usual banter and perhpas loud voices of some of my teammates. The course as Jeremy said "does not look hard, it is hard", was a hilly, but short 60 km road race somewhere near Walla Walla. The race started off neutral for about 3 km, then quickely headed for a descent and technical off camber corner to begin the climbing. The group stayed together for most of the first major climb, Mara Abbott (Webcore Builders) picked up the pace and procedded to make her first move. A few girls managed to stick with her, and unfortunatly my legs did not quite have the speed to match the pace. The rest of the race was made up of attacks and chases and a continuous attempt to get closer to the 5 girls infront of us. We finished the race with a sprint for 6, where my positioning was little bit less than ideal and I ended up in 10th. Overall, not a bad race, and I left feeling like there was lots of room for improvement, but that I had the legs to keep it going all weekend.

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