Monday, May 26, 2008

back in the saddle

after 4 months devoted to pretty much whatever i felt like( in new zealand) it was quite a shock being dropped right back into real life. In many ways things had changed for the better and a few for the worse , but mainly everything was the same ; i went back to the same job, moved back into the same house , visited the same coffee shops , and waited in line for the same ( still overpriced)ferry to go to another bike race.

while the team still had some of the original members it had acquired a few more marvelous women. i was super stoked to meet all the new girls but kept hullos short so Jeramey could get to the race plan. it was pretty simple , ride hard. ....OK i can handle that. i hoped the bike touring hadn't been to bad for my race fitness. luckily it wasn't, but riding for so long by my self had diminished my pack skills and i was repeatedly in the wrong spot.i would love to report on how the rest of the team was riding but i was pretty concentrated on not ending up eating pavement , though i seem to recollect quite i bit of giant aggression off the front with a valiant effort by the super Shani. In the end we made a few minor mistakes is the final 500m and missed the podium spots we were aiming for, but all in all i think the girls did a good job. i cant wait till i get back in th swing of things and can do a little more to help out the team , it seems to be a great group of women who know how to kick some thats something i want to be part of

the pickle